Lady Venus International
Good Facial Care is a Result of Two Basic Factors:
1) Understanding your "skin type" and using products that are specially formulated for that particular skin type.
2) Following your daily routine.
The word "exposure" best explains this need. Our faces are always on display... and exposed to wind, cold, heat, dust, and other enemies of beauty. Fortunately, our ALOE VERA cosmetic formulations can help protect against these elements. Before you embark on any skin care program, you need to know a little about the skin. For the skin to function normally, the pores must remain open or unclogged by foreign matter - tiny particles of dirt. When the surface is not clean, the natural discharges from the glands will build up and cause whiteheads, blackheads, and miliums (small white or yellowish modules produced in the skin by the retention of the oily secretion).
Why a Skin Care Program is Necessary.
Do you know your Skin Type and how to find out
Even though everyone's physical makeup is basically the same, we each have different balances of oil and moisture in our skin. There are four basic types of facial skin, and each has a special need.
Skin Types Defined.
Eye area is Dry... Yes
Cheeks are Dry... Yes
Forehead is Dry... Yes
Nose is Dry... Yes
Chin is Dry... Yes
Throat is Dry... Yes
Does your makeup last all day? Yes
Does your face develop a shine during the day? No
Does your face have occasional blemishes?
Eye area is Dry... Yes
Cheeks are Normal... Yes
Forehead is Normal... Yes
Nose is Normal... Yes
Chin is Normal... Yes
Throat is Dry... Yes
Does your makeup last all day? Yes
Does your face develop a shine during the day? NO
Does your face have occasional blemishes?
Normal Skin:It has a normal balance of oil and moisture coming through the pores, which are neither large or small. This skin ordinarily has no blemish problems. Normal skin needs to be maintained.
Dry Skin: It has small, refined pores and feels taut and dry. It tends to show tiny lines. Dry skin needs to have moisture and oil added to the facial surface.
Oily Skin: It has large pores and by midday begins to have a shiny, oily look. This skin tends to have occasional blemishes. Oily skin needs to have the excessive amounts of oil that comes to the surface of the skin normalized.
Combination skin: It is usually oily in the T-ZONE... that is, across the forehead and down the center of the face with normal or dry skin in other areas. Combination skin needs to have the oily areas normalized and moisture added to the other areas.
Problem Skin: Even though there are four basic types of skin, there is a condition of skin to which we would like to direct particular attention. This is the problem skin - the one with blemishes. Blemishes are probably most often caused by the presence of too much oil which attracts dirt to the skin's surface. Its imperative that we keep this skin exceptionally clean.
The Skin Type Chart
Eye area is Dry... Yes
Cheeks are Oily... Yes
Forehead is Oily... Yes
Nose is Oily... Yes
Chin is Oily... Yes
Throat is Dry... Yes
Does your makeup last all day? No
Does your face develop a shine during the day? Yes
Does your face have occasional blemishes? Yes
Eye area is Dry... Yes
Cheeks are Normal... Yes
Forehead is Oily... Yes
Nose is Oily... Yes
Chin is Normal... Yes
Throat is Dry... Yes
Does your makeup last all day?
Does your face develop a shine during the day? Yes
Does your face have occasional blemishes? Yes
Select your skin type to see recommended products and tips